How to prepare for having your braces removed

Everyone looks forward to the day when their dental braces can finally come off. The procedure should be pain-free and should leave you with a smile you can be proud of. There are, however, a few things you can do to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Understand the procedure

Firstly, check with your dentist that you know exactly what is to happen. Usually, they will use a special tool to loosen all the brackets so that the braces will then pop off cleanly. The dentist will then give your teeth a thorough clean to remove any glue and trapped food, and will probably take X-rays to ensure that the teeth are properly positioned. They will also measure you for a retainer which you may have to wear for some time. The procedure does not take long and should not be too uncomfortable.

Take a photo

You may feel that the last thing you need is a photo of your mouth with braces. However, a lot of people like to have "before" and "after" pictures, to document the important transition. You may feel like a completely different person once the braces are off and you can show off your smile, so it can be good to compare how things have changed.

Keep brushing and flossing

It can be very tempting to lower your standards of dental hygiene as the day of removal approaches. After all, you will need to have kept your brushing regime to a high standard while wearing braces to ensure that they are not trapping plaque or compacted food. However, it is a big mistake to slacken off towards the end. Not brushing properly can leave yellow marks on your teeth where the braces have been, which can need more cosmetic treatment to remove. Keep up dental hygiene to ensure that your teeth are white and clean when the braces are removed.

Consider a painkiller

Lastly, you might want to consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever before the appointment. Removing braces does not hurt and should not be very uncomfortable, but if you have particularly sensitive teeth and gums you might find it easier with a pain reliever. Remember to check with your dentist first.

The day that your braces come off is one that you can look forward to and celebrate. Just talk to your dentist if you have any questions or concerns. For more information on braces, contact a professional near you.
